Full Immersion
The Meadows School Immersion ProjectTM
as a model for Full Intergenerational Immersion
During 2008/2009, a formal evaluation of the Meadows School ProjectTM operational model is being supported by a significant research grant under the auspices of the University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, CA and UBC-O, BC, CA. Results of this Health-Education based report will be shared here early in 2010.
Full immersion will be characterized by:
1. extensive initial organizational work, particularly in area of building awareness and acceptance of a less traditional intergenerational methodology
2. ‘daily immersion’-at this level, students and teachers will become part of lived-experience with the elders in their home setting
3. more wide ranging goals that will be more easily reached due to the embedded nature of the experience
4. a creative and adaptive approach to curriculum for the students, and a flexibility on the part of the elder residents, staff, and care home project facilitator
5. the promise of deeper connections that may leave more sustainable attitudinal changes
6. a more extensive understanding of care homes and the care giving occupations, which may have significant influence on career choices of youth participants
Full immersion entry level could look like this:
- immersion that takes place over the entire school year, with a permanent classroom in the seniors’ facility
- shorter term immersion spread throughout the year (e.g. one month in the fall term, and one month in the spring term, regular monthly visits, or two full days every week
- vacated school re-opened with pre-school facilities, including seniors’ care facility or recreational facility as w ell the two groups come together consistently on a daily basis to share story times, craft times, snacks, and visiting.
Preparing residents for their young visitors
Early Learning – How to Communicate, Safety, Respect
Service Learning Outside and Inside
Curriculum – Math, Science, History, Language, Geography, Life Skills
Sharing the Living Space